Help shape future plans for Mangere town centre

Monday 2 November 2009, 11:59AM

By Manukau City Council



New streets, a wider range of housing and a strong focus on the community are part of a new town plan for Mangere town centre.

Public open days are being held this week at Mangere town centre to get community feedback on the draft Mangere Town Plan. Information will also be in the Mangere town centre, Mangere Bridge and Mangere East libraries.

Manukau City Council will use the public feedback to help shape the direction of the final plan.

Manukau City Council Environment Director Ree Anderson says the plan takes a fresh approach to planning for future development.

“It takes account of market realities and the role the private sector, government agencies and others play in helping the council deliver the plan.

“The council has committed funding to make sure vital infrastructure shown in the plans is built.

“This plan would simplify the planning process, which has benefits for developers and the community, but would not compromise quality.

“The Mangere Town Plan will be a ‘mini district plan’ with guidelines specific to the area’s particular character. It uses images to show what future development will look like instead of just words in the district plan which are hard for the average person to interpret.”

Features of the draft Mangere town plan include:

  • New street between Waddon Place and Windrush Close to create better connections with the town centre
  • New streets in the town centre, the market will continue to be located on the town centre carparks
  • Three to four storey buildings in the town centre area, with a mix of options for shops and residential
  • Allowing development on reserve on corner of Mascot Ave and Bader Drive, which will be balanced with improved public spaces and retail
  • Three zones – town centre, community and housing
  • A range of housing styles allowed - from the traditional house on a large section to three storey houses where lot sizes allow
  • A simplified planning process, including changes to resource consent approvals
  • Stronger urban design focus
  • Investigating funding mechanisms to get the right type of development.

Ms Anderson says the reason for proposing new streets is to improve connections between parts of Mangere.

“At the moment it is quite difficult to get to and from the town centre because there aren’t direct routes. That can often mean people get in their car and go elsewhere to shop. The aim is to have the range of shops, schools and other services close to where people live, so they’re easy to walk to and community safety is improved.

“The Mangere Town Plan will set out a framework for how future development would happen.

“Apart from community facilities, streets and other infrastructure the council will not do any of the actual development. That will be up to private developers, however the council may work closely with them to help make things happen and get development that is good for Mangere.

“Rejuvenation of the town centre will go hand in hand with improving residential quality and better connecting people with services, transport and amenities,” Ms Anderson says.

The council is developing the Mangere town plan to guide development in the area as it grows during the next 50 years. It recognises that a range of things need to happen to revitalise the area. They include community involvement, partnerships with a range of agencies, public investment in infrastructure, understanding.

People can find out more and have their say by going to or coming to a public open day to discuss the plans with council staff. Information will also be in the Mangere town centre, Mangere Bridge and Mangere East libraries.

Following public feedback the final Mangere Town Plan and district plan change will be developed. It will then be publicly notified in early 2010 where people will have an opportunity to make formal submissions.

Public open days:

Mangere town centre mall – 3.30 – 6.30pm, Thursday 5 November and 9.30am – midday, at the markets Saturday 7 November.