Gisborne Filmmaker Rates Highly at Los Angeles Film Festival

Wednesday 25 November 2009, 3:48PM

By Charity Matters



Gisborne Filmmaker, Polly Green’s latest film Soft Power Health, a short documentary film about professional kayaker Dr. Jessie Stone’s humanitarian aid efforts in Uganda, was announced as a winner in the My Hero Short Film Festival in Los Angeles, and received a special hero activist award.

Three years after the debut of her first short film, Nomads, filmmaker Polly Green returned to Uganda to follow the progress of Soft Power Health, the non-profit organization started by kayaker/doctor Jessie Stone. While Nomads profiled three women kayakers each with a different passion to help others, Green’s new film, aptly called Soft Power Health, explores in depth what Soft Power Health does today.

Green has cleverly integrated paddling shots and Nile river views throughout the film, but the focus is on the organizations work on land. Picking up where Nomads left off, Green shows the Soft Power Health clinic and several health outreach programs, including the incredible progress of the first one that Dr. Stone started; the malaria education and prevention program. With the rapid construction of the Silverback Dam on the Nile river, Green captures beautiful shots of what will soon be gone, something that all of us will be grateful to have forever.

After having only completed the film in June, Green is “ecstatic to have won and award at The My Hero Festival”.

“My passion is telling stories about people doing positive things ” says Polly, and The My Hero festival was the perfect platform to showcase films that honor heroes from around the world.

Polly is passionate about making inspiring films that leave the viewer feeling empowered, and telling stories about people who are doing positive things in the world.

Polly, a permanent New Zealand Resident, moved to Gisborne in 2007, because “ I love it here, Gisborne is a beautiful and inspiring place that feeds my soul.”

Polly is currently on her way back from the My Hero Film awards and is eager to get started on her next project.

For more information contact:
Polly Green
Phone 06.867.4703 mobile 021.177.3802
View: Soft Power Health