Mayor releases text log to John Key

Tuesday 15 December 2009, 8:02AM

By North Shore City Council



North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams has released the log of his text messages to John Key going back 4 months to August 2009 which show there were only three texts in this whole period and no texts at 3.30am as described in the New Zealand Herald today.

The last text by the Mayor to John Key was on 17 September at 8.41pm. Two other texts in this four month period we at 10.37am on 17 September and at 12.17am on Wednesday 16 September.

"This was the day that Parliament was debating the 2nd Auckland Bill under urgency and Parliament sat until midnight. My text at 12.17am was sent as Parliament rose for the night to the various North Shore MP's, including John Key, expressing my disappointment in the Bill and asking why none of them had been in the House of Representatives for this important debate, sticking up for the North Shore." says Mayor Williams.

"I dont think 3 texts in four months, all in a 24 hour period when a Bill is going through the House under urgency, to my local Members of Parliament constitutes this latest politically motivated attack on me." says Mayor Williams. "It's hardly text harassment in the middle of the night, and why is it being raised some two months after the last text to him?"

"These attacks are the work of some ACT Party and National Party people out to discredit me because I am standing up to the super city takeover, and also ruffling some feathers over the leaky homes issue." says Mayor Williams.

"Unfortunately I cannot get any records prior to August so cannot verify any other texts sent to John Key prior to that, but I do not recall sending one at 3.30am. If I did I apologise for that unreservedly. I have seen John Key on a great many occasions in recent months and this has never been raised. It might have been nice if he had said it to my face rather than via this political beat-up".

"I will continue to challenge the Government on the super city takeover and the effects this will have on local democracy." says Mayor Williams."I will also continue to concentrate on the major issues facing us, and not be distracted by this unhelpful text beat-up."

Record of 3 text messages from Mayor Andrew Williams to PM John Key and other North Shore MP's in past 4 month period
12.17am (4 part msg), 10.37am (2 part msg), 8.41pm (2 part msg)

Line No. Date Day Time Min Sec Place
27209 ****
16/09/2009 Wednesday 0:17 1 text messa
27209 **** 16/09/2009 Wednesday 0:17 1 text messa
27209 **** 16/09/2009 Wednesday 0:17 1 text messa
27209 **** 16/09/2009 Wednesday 0:17 1 text messa

27209 **** 17/09/2009 Thursday 10:37 1 text messa
27209 **** 17/09/2009 Thursday 10:37 1 text messa

27209 **** 17/09/2009 Thursday 20:41 1 text messa
27209 **** 17/09/2009 Thursday 20:41 1 text messa