NZ ratifies ban on cluster munitions

Thursday 24 December 2009, 6:57AM

By Georgina Te Heuheu


New Zealand has ratified the Cluster Munitions Disarmament Convention which bans the use, development, production and stockpiling of cluster munitions, Disarmament and Arms Control Minister Georgina te Heuheu announced today.

"I am immensely proud New Zealand has ratified this convention. Given our long history of involvement it is fitting that we are among the States that bring it into force," Mrs te Heuheu said.

New Zealand played a leading role in negotiating the convention, including hosting a crucial meeting in Wellington in February last year.

"New Zealand plans to be an active advocate for this convention. The more States that commit to it, the stronger the norm against cluster munitions will become.

"I urge all States that have not already done so to sign and ratify as soon as possible," Mrs te Heuheu said.

New Zealand passed its implementation legislation, the Cluster Munitions Prohibition Act, on 10 December.
Ratification enables New Zealand to take part in the first meeting of States Parties to be held in Laos next year. New Zealand is the 25th State to ratify the convention with 30 ratifications required to bring it into force.

New Zealand's United Nations Permanent Representative Jim McLay deposited the instrument of ratification at the UN at a brief ceremony in New York early this morning NZ time.