Local women's only event now in its 18th year

Friday 15 January 2010, 10:42AM

By Southern Traverse



Several hundred women across the region have already enjoyed the camaraderie of competing in a womens only triathlon or duathlon and now is the chance to compete yet again in one of the oldest established womens event in the country.

The Fresh Choice Southern Lakes Women's Triathlon and Duathlon will be staged at Lake Hayes on February 27 for the 18th consecutive year with indications for a strong field. The event attracts women from as far as Invercargill, Dunedin and Christchurch to compete as individuals or in teams.

The focus of this long established event hasn’t changed. The triathlon has a healthy living focus which is something leading sponsor Fresh Choice has been keen to promote through its support over the last seven years.

Describing the event as a ‘relaxed fun event with the emphasis on participation”, Race Director Geoff Hunt says the race is a great way to encourage women to get fit for an event specifically designed for them.

“We are delighted to be able to stage an event that so many women enjoy. We would like to encourage women of all ages, shapes, sizes and levels of fitness to join us. The distances and disciplines are achievable by women of all abilities.”

“The women committing to competing a triathlon or duathlon have found that it means committing to a positive change in life style with choices around what you eat, and how to spend their spare time.”

The triathlon race starts with a 300m swim or 2kms kayak in Lake Hayes. Athletes then follow a 15kms bike ride along Lake Hayes and Speargrass Flats Road, before running or walking 5kms along the Lake Hayes track and back to the finish line in front of Lake Hayes Pavilion.

The duathlon is a non-swimming event and begins with a 1.5km walk/run on Lake Hayes Track, following the triathlon's 15km biking section and 5km walk/run to the finish.

There will be food and coffee available to purchase, while athletes and supporters can enjoy a leisurely picnic on the grass after the race as the prize giving unfolds.

Entries are now open until the day of the event with the release of the entry forms and the ability to enter online on

Categories for both events include individual, team, business house and veteran.

The 2009 open triathlon was won by Joanna Williams of Wanaka and the hotly contested team's event title went to Team Jess, Clair and Scooby of Queenstown.