Handmade treats set to be popular at this year's Martinborough fairs

Monday 1 February 2010, 10:51AM

By Destination Wairarapa



A nationwide revival in handmade textiles and vintage products will add a personal touch to this week’s Rotary Martinborough Fair.

Convener Lesley Christian says that of the 460 stalls set to radiate out from Martinborough’s famous town square on Saturday February 6 and Saturday March 6, many will boast beautiful handmade wares created lovingly from some of New Zealand’s most talented crafts people.

“It’s very interesting because during this day and age when you can buy just about anything at anytime there seems to be a real demand for beautiful, hand made crafts that have a real personal touch,” she said.

“Certainly last year we noticed there was a lot of home made jewellery for sale and this year that renaissance in crafts has continued with a sense of nostalgia coming through. Things like home-made vintage aprons, knit wear and place mats appear to be popular with many people in the craft movement.”
Ms Christian said in addition to handmade crafts there will be stalls selling clothing; including award winning designers, as well as a large number of stalls boasting fresh local produce and gourmet foods.

“In addition to crafts, many people are making home grown and home made sausages, cordials and chutneys,” said Ms Christian. “But it’s fair to say we’ve got all bases covered. From wood fired pizzas to Thai, Swiss, Dutch, Malaysian and Indian … there will be food to cater to all tastes.”

The Rotary Martinborough Fairs were the brainchild of members of the Greytown Rotary Club, and in 1977 the first fairs were staged in Martinborough with just 35 stalls. Today such is the reputation of the Fairs that demand for stalls exceeds the space available, and more than 25,000 people flock to the world renowned wine growing region in the South Wairarapa every February and March.

Ms Christian said the basic philosophy behind the Fairs has changed little since their inception – with the objective to give craftspeople a chance to display and sell their wares whilst simultaneously providing the Rotary Club of South Wairarapa with funds to give to charities.

The 2010 Rotary Martinborough Fairs will be held on Saturday, February 6 and Saturday March 6 between 8am - 4pm. For more information visit