BarterZone Trade Dollars are in big demand

Tuesday 2 February 2010, 12:37PM

By Terry Cuthbert


I am not surprised as I already knew, that when the penny dropped and consumers understood the power of BarterZone Trade Dollars there would be a frenzy in the real state market and business in general. Some people want to keep BarterZone Trade Dollars their own little secret as the edge over other consumers and competitiors but we can't keep them under wraps as demand is increasing. Vendors are seeing how their equity is being released in the property they sit on and can keep the wheels turning, not just in the real estate market but with all products, goods and services in business in general.

Credit lines for BarterZone trade dollars are available to consumers interest free with 4% transactional fees so this is very attracive when:

1. You don't have alot of free funds 

2. All your equity is in the property, business and products

3. The bank has said no

I have had over 4,500 members join our data base in 6 months to be informed as to what is happening in the BarterZone trade dollar market. Just recently we had 2 vendors list properties in the open market happily declaring they will accept trade dollars in part payment.


30 motel units in New Market on seperate titles with rent guarantees of 8% net. All units are under $80,000 each and the vendor will take 30% in BarterZone Trade Dollars and the balance in cash

10 apartments in Orewa GV $580,000 vendor will sell at registered valuation $525,000 and take 40% thats $210,000 in trade dollars. I think there is 6 left?

In this current climate where values are fluctuating and we need to keep more cash in our back pockets could BarterZone trade dollars be the saviour of your properties equity, your businesses cash flow and the difference between that new car or the existing one?

Terry Cuthbert from BarterZone Ltd is happy to respond to your queries just email