Eyewitness Report: Aerosol Spraying Currently Occurring In Taranaki Five Days Out Of Seven

Thursday 4 February 2010, 10:09PM

By Clare Swinney


Chemtrail Watchers, Steve Rowe & partner, Rachel Brownlee
Chemtrail Watchers, Steve Rowe & partner, Rachel Brownlee Credit: Steve Rowe
A Common Sight - Chemtrails Over Taranaki
A Common Sight - Chemtrails Over Taranaki Credit: Steve Rowe


Stratford residents, Steve Rowe and Rachel Brownlee, who have been photographing the aerosol spraying activity taking place in Central Taranaki for approximately 5 years, have reported that while the frequency and intensity of the spraying has diminished, the aerosols, which are also known as "chemtrails," are still being sprayed over populated areas five out of seven days a week. 

Asserts Rowe, who took photographs of aerosols on the 3rd of February which can be viewed at the link here: "We have noticed a loss of intensity and frequency of the trails here in Taranaki over the last year or so. We have also had the wettest summer I can remember, so they may be spraying above the cloud cover just as frequently, although the intensity has definitely diminished.  They rarely block out the entire sky, as they were doing nearly everyday, up until the end of 2008."

Evidence indicates these aerosols are being deliberately sprayed over residential areas according to Rowe and Brownlee.  Offered Rowe: "In my opinion the chemtrail spraying is concentrated over populated areas. I have watched the aerosols drift out over the countryside, pushed by the wind, but the very obvious start point of the trail, and the end point, roughly match the borders of our small town.   The planes also appear to change course to spray our town.  Planes generally fly in a straight line to save fuel once they hit their flightpath, but not the chemtrail planes. I also witness them stop releasing the aerosol at our town boundry, then start again at the boundry of our nearest city, New Plymouth."

Interestingly, as well as seeing numerous aerosol trails being sprayed, the couple have also seen polymer fibers falling from the sky at a time planes were flying in their area.  Writes Rowe: 'We both worked for the country's top radio stations in Auckland and had been hearing reports about chemtrails overseas for a number of years, but had never seen one ourselves until we moved to Stratford in Taranaki.  Suddenly, everything we had read about was happening right in front of our eyes, yet the general public at large seemed to be completely oblivious to it.   One morning in August 2007, we noticed two planes circling our town. We thought it was slightly odd, but as we had been watching heavy spraying for over two years, we didn’t think too much about it. This went on for about an hour when my partner suddenly noticed something wafting past our window. It looked like a very long cobweb. Then she saw another and another. Upon going outside to investigate we found our whole garden, and street, covered in these very fine, very sticky cobweb like fibers that were falling from the sky. They were everywhere, and I can only presume that they covered the whole town.'

Polymer fibers have been reported elsewhere in the world also and as is the case with the aerosols, their exact purpose is not discussed or known in the public arena.  It is probably worth treating them with great caution however if they are found.  The candid UK documentary, Top Secrets Revealed  shows that government scientists "demonstrated in a striking way, the feasibility of small scale biological warfare." An appreciable dose of viable bacteria was achieved in their tests from an airplane, over an area greater than 1000 sq miles, using only 120 gallons of suspension.

If you can not believe that the aerosol spraying could be for anything but for "geo-engineering,"  or to help the public in some way or another,  Rowe recommends that you watch Alex Jones' documentary, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.    'Over the previous years I had managed to convince some of my friends and family of the reality of the aerosols, which are also known as chemtrails. One way I did this was by making them view Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove. Once they realised that there are evidently sinister-minded people in power who appear to be conspiring, their minds opened, they took their blinkers off and then they began to examine what is really going on in our skies,' he wrote.

Rowe also suggests that people in different parts of the country keep a log of the days they are sprayed to help us deduce whether the aerosol operations are focused on particular areas.

If you do collect information, you are welcome to e-mail it to chemtrailsnz @ for posting on the Internet at:


In the YouTube video below is a dicussion recorded on the 5th of January, 2010 between Dr Bill Deagle, Dane Wigington, Dr Mike Castle and Alex Studer, about the impact aerosols are having upon the environment.  For more information go to the link here.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

The Day Polymer Fibers Fell Over Stratford

Morgellons - The Wine-Peroxide Test