Yellow Chocolate Hits Shelves Nationwide

Monday 8 February 2010, 9:36AM

By Yellow


New Zealand's most anticipated chocolate bar, Yellow Chocolate, hits supermarket shelves nationwide today.
New Zealand's most anticipated chocolate bar, Yellow Chocolate, hits supermarket shelves nationwide today. Credit: Yellow

New Zealand’s most anticipated chocolate bar, Yellow Chocolate, hits supermarket shelves nationwide today.

The launch signifies the end of a long road for Josh Winger, who accepted Yellow’s mission to create the world’s first yellow tasting chocolate bar using companies sourced only from Yellow™, Books, Online, Mobile and Maps.

When researching flavours for the Taste of Yellow Chocolate, Josh drew inspiration from his travels around New Zealand, his favourite breakfast (French toast with maple syrup and banana) and his mum’s desserts.

His flavour testing road trip around New Zealand showed him most people preferred flavours like pineapple, banana and maple syrup over things like lemon and honey.

“The taste of Yellow is hard to put your finger on, but it has a mixture of familiar flavours that blend together to create something entirely unique.

However, he says that the final flavour tastes “yellow, fruity, zingy and sweet.”

“When I tasted the Yellow Chocolate bar for the first time, I was actually stunned by how much it tastes like yellow.”

Josh says that Yellow Chocolate’s debut today has been down to sheer hard work and the help of many partners.

“Without the help of Yellow and over 45 Yellow™ businesses that supported me on this mission, I would have never imagined such a great result. I’m proud of the outcome and stoked to have proven that you can get any job done with Yellow,” says Josh.

Yellow™ Marketing Director, Kellie Nathan, says “Josh has developed a huge following of people eager to discover the taste of Yellow Chocolate, so today is the day for him, his supporters, and the Yellow Businesses who have been involved, to celebrate a ‘job done’.”

“We wanted to prove that just about any mission could be completed using Yellow – the book, online or mobile. And I think we’ve done that!” says Kellie.

The next step for Josh is to take some time out before he hunts for a new job.

“I haven’t had a decent break in the last six months so I’m keen to go home, visit my friends and family, and also to head out to my favourite breaks and have a surf.”

Limited edition Yellow Chocolate bars are on shelves at Countdown, Woolworths and Foodtown stores around New Zealand for a RRP of $1.99. Stocks are limited so don’t miss out.