Seaweek spotlight on Tuhua Marine Reserve

Friday 26 February 2010, 1:09PM

By Department of Conservation


TUHUA PERCH Credit: Kim Westerskov
Tuhua snapper
Tuhua snapper Credit: Department of Conservation


With Seaweek coming up on 7-14 March, the Department of Conservation (DOC) is encouraging Bay of Plenty residents to get to know their local marine reserve at Tuhua (Mayor Island).

“The Tuhua Marine Reserve is a local treasure that many people are either unaware of or haven’t been able to visit yet” says DOC Ranger Peter Huggins, “it offers opportunities for people to enjoy swimming, diving or snorkelling and view colourful marine life and interesting rock formations.”

Prompted by a proposal from the owners and tangata whenua of Tuhua, a no-take marine reserve was set up on the northern end of Tuhua (35km offshore from the Tauranga Harbour entrance) in 1993, to protect marine species and habitat for present and future generations. It is one of more than 30 marine reserves in New Zealand focused on the protection and rehabilitation of unique examples of marine life. DOC undertakes regular compliance checks in the reserve and conducts annual fish surveys with assistance from the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic.

It is not permitted to fish, harvest or disturb any marine life inside the reserve. Boaties can help to look after the reserve by following these rules and reporting any suspicious behaviour to the Department of Conservation. Anyone caught fishing in the reserve may face seizure of fishing equipment and court fines.
Seaweek is an annual event run by the NZ Association for Environmental Education that encourages New Zealanders to come together and, celebrate the sea. It provides a wide range of opportunities for people to learn about our fantastic marine environment and share their experiences of it.

Events and activities that are happening in the Bay of Plenty are listed at, including a clean up organised by Mount Maunganui Underwater Club of rubbish from the seabed between Salisbury Wharf and Mount Boat Ramp on Saturday 6th March.

DOC is offering locals a chance to experience the Tuhua Marine Reserve without getting wet, by attending a public presentation at the Tauranga Environment Centre at 7pm on Thursday March 11th. Space is limited so bookings are required, ph 07 571 2723.

The presentation will feature underwater photography from Tuhua Marine Reserve as guest speakers from DOC and the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic provide a visual tour of Tauranga’s closest marine reserve and explain how marine protection works.

Further information about Tuhua Marine Reserve is available online at