Video: What's Causing The Drought In Northland?

Saturday 27 February 2010, 5:02PM

By Clare Swinney


Geo-Engineering Taking Place Without Public Consent
Geo-Engineering Taking Place Without Public Consent Credit:


Jim Reece, a forty-nine year old resident of Whangarei, says he is very worried about the use of aerosols over the country because of their impacts upon health and the environment.  He is particularly concerned about the drought that is currently plaguing Northland -  the region normally gets plenty of rain, he says.  He made this short film, using footage he shot of chemtrails over Whangarei, in order to educate the public about the use of aerosols and HAARP technology to modify the weather. 

Reece offers:  "Modifying the weather's not a new idea, but it's not taught in schools or mentioned on the TV. Because these planes are spraying chemicals, including barium and aluminium, out of view, above peoples' heads, it is easy for the people to have the wool pulled over their eyes about what is going on.  I made this film to increase the publics' awareness of this huge issue, which I have not heard anything about from the mainstream media."

Reece used footage of chemtrails, otherwise known as aerosols, which he shot over Whangarei on the 15th of February at approximately 9 am. He combined it with information about what he believes could be causing the drought in Northland.


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