Taita Money Machine Blow-up a Symptom

Wednesday 3 March 2010, 9:11AM

By Concerned Citizen



The Westpac money machine in Taita was blown up some time between 6pm on Tuesday the 2nd of March and 7.30am on Wednesday the 3rd of March.  This is just one of many symptoms of a sickness in the community caused by dense State Housing in the area.  When you have 16 state housing flats on less than an acre of land, almost next door to the BP petrol station, where there is often public displays of drinking by residents and guests some that wear  Mongrel Mob insignia and a peek of the wider problems in Taita start to emerge.

When is the Government going to do something to help the neighbourhoods in which they have built these slums?

Many people can not afford to live anywhere else and this dense state housing is ensuring their children don't get a fair chance.