All Aucklanders need an emergency plan

Friday 5 March 2010, 2:01PM

By Auckland Regional Council



Figures out this week show that nationally only 15 per cent of people have an emergency plan and or enough food and water for three days.

Group Controller for Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management, Harry O’Rourke, says that last weekend’s tsunami threat should encourage Aucklanders to get prepared.

“We all need to sit down with family, flatmates or friends and fill out our plans and checklists,” says Mr O’Rourke.

“The plan works through where you will shelter in an earthquake, flood or storm, gets you thinking about how you could be affected by a tsunami at home or at the bach, and thinking about the emergency items you have already and where they are stored.”

The online plan and checklist is available on the website.

“We all saw pictures of Chile’s devastating earthquake on TV. You can clearly see how any country’s emergency services are stretched beyond capacity in an emergency like this,” says Mr O’Rourke.

“This is exactly why we are encouraging people to look out for themselves and those closest to them.

“Auckland is vulnerable to many natural hazards. Planning now will make a big difference to how we cope if the big one comes our way,” he says.

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