Mayoral Challenge for School Students

Monday 15 March 2010, 7:39PM

By Hurunui District Council



The Hurunui Tourism Governance Board knows that the young people of the district are very ‘in touch’ with what makes the Hurunui special – to them and their families as well as to tourists. So when the Board began work on its long term plan for the visitor sector it knew that it needed to incorporate this knowledge into its work.

The Board has two questions that it would like to hear from young people on – and it is offering cash prizes as inducements for them to share their views:

1. What is special to you and your family about living in the Hurunui, and why?

2. When visitors come to your part of the Hurunui, what do you choose to share with them, and why?

The idea is that students will talk over these questions with their parents, grandparents and other family members, and then gather together their family’s views and present them in a completed piece of work.

Participants may use as many different formats/media for their entry as they wish: essay/story, poem, music, photos, paintings, and so on. All entries will be judged together, so there is no preferred format or style – the key thing is simply for students to express the views of their family.

The prizes to be awarded will be shared equally between the school and the student:

Junior School (Y1-6): $300
Middle School (Y7-11): $500
Senior School (Y12 – 13): $700

Entries close on 31 March, and need to be received at the Council Offices in Amberley by 5pm.

Jeff Dalley, of Capability Partners, has been contracted by the Hurunui Tourism Governance Board to develop the long term plan and is seeking input from all sectors of the community. If you would like to contribute, or would like further information please contact him on 027 424-6578