Green co-leader to open series on new generation politics

Monday 22 March 2010, 1:53PM

By Victoria University



The new co-leader of the Green Party Metiria Turei will open a seminar series exploring the opportunities and challenges faced by a new generation in New Zealand politics.

The seminar series, run by the Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies from March to June, will hear a range of perspectives from politics and academia including MPs Simon Bridges and David Shearer, and Dr Jon Johansson from Victoria's Political Science and International Relations programme.

Opening on Wednesday, Metiria Turei will consider whether there has been a genuine generational shift in both representation and in how politics is done. The new Green Party co-leader, in conversation with Maria Bargh, from Victoria's Te Kawa a Maui, will explore the kind of transformation that has taken place, and its implications for party political tribalism.

Director of the Stout Research Centre Professor Lydia Wevers says the change of government at the 2008 General Election highlighted a generational shift.

"Coincidentally the Political Science and International Relations programme at Victoria has also had a change of guard, with a new generation of young academics. We thought it would be interesting to ask a mix of academics and new MPs to discuss the current political landscape and whether there really is a 'new generation' in politics."

The seminar series runs to June and gives staff and the public a chance to hear from young and new MPs such as Turei, National's Simon Bridges and Labour MP David Shearer. New lecturers such as Hilary Pearse and Fiona Barker from Victoria’s Political Science and International Relations programme as well as old hands Dr Jon Johansson and Professor Elizabeth McLeay will also give presentations.

Professor Wevers says the series will give a snapshot of New Zealand politics as it stands in 2010.

"We live in New Zealand's political centre and it is important to take the pulse of our politics from time to time. The Stout Centre's Parliamentary Conference focuses on recent parliamentary history; this new series is designed to look at what is happening right now."

  • What: New Generation Politics in Aotearoa New Zealand Seminar Series - March to June 2010
  • When: 4.10-5.30pm
  • Where: Stout Research Centre 12 Waiteata Road, Kelburn

For a full programme and more details see

Seminars are open to the public. For further information please contact the Stout Research Centre on (04) 463 5305 or email