More nominations sought for Community Spirit Awards

Tuesday 23 March 2010, 8:36AM

By Nelson City Council



With just over a week to go until the close off date for the Nelson City Council Community Spirit Awards, Nelsonians are being encouraged to get creative with their nominations.

Mayor Kerry Marshall says “We’ve had some great nominations come in so far for community groups and organisations but we know there are many talented business people, sportspeople, scientists and artists who are doing a great job of putting Nelson on the map. We’d love to hear more about them too.”

The revamped awards are no longer specifically for volunteers.  There is no barrier to nominating someone in paid employment if their contribution to the community has been outstanding.

Mayor Marshall adds, “The Community Spirit Awards are about celebrating the people who contribute to making our city a fantastic place to live.  That’s the common goal we all share so it is important for us a Council to recognise the efforts of those helping us to achieve it.” 

Nominations are invited until Thursday 1 April and forms are available from Civic House, the Libraries or on line at  All nominations are treated in confidence.  The Awards ceremony will be held on Tuesday 4 May.