Farming through Northland's drought, on show this Sunday

Wednesday 24 March 2010, 8:13AM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand



With Northland in its worst drought since 1982, Bruce and Julie Paton will open up their farm this Sunday to show the challenge of dairy farming through drought. Between 10am and 3pm, Manaia Park Estate, an easy drive south of Whangarei, will be open for free to the public.

“It’s easy to say that we’ve had a challenging summer given this is probably the driest in my farming career,” says Bruce Paton, host of Federated Farmers Northland Farm Day.

“That said, it’s all part of the swings and roundabouts of farming so my outlook remains pretty positive because it’s a great career.

“Because of the drought we’ve got some calving underway. On Sunday we’ll give children the chance to hand feed these calves, which is pretty unusual at this time of the year.

“We’ll have some other farm animals for visitors to see, including my colleagues from the bee keeping industry. Keeping hives during drought is another thing for visitors to ask about.

“We’re still milking, thankfully, but we’ll hold back some of the herd for a demonstration milking mid-morning. It will be a chance to see a rotary cow shed in action, it’s a really impressive sight, especially for many who’ve never seen one.

“Another thing I think will strike visitors is that there’s a herd and farm hierarchy. At the top is Julie, my wife, then I guess myself, my dog followed by senior members of the herd. Many people don’t realise that cattle have a social hierarchy but they do.

“I feel visitors will go away with a new found realisation that cattle have intelligence.

“We’re also conducting farm walks that will be led by farmers, including my dad. They’re there to show various aspects of our farm operation, from how we recycle our effluent as liquid fertiliser right through to pasture and stock management.

“Of course given drought, pasture management is right up there for us as we plan for some eagerly awaited autumnal rain.

“I think this is a great chance to see a modern Northland dairy farm in action. No question is off limits because Farm Day is a positive way to show and explain where we’re going as farmers, not where we’ve been,” Mr Paton concluded.

Details about Federated Farmers Northland Farm Day, this Sunday, 10am – 3pm:

Bruce and Julie Paton’s dairy farm, Manaia Park Estate, is located 31 kilometres south of Whangarei at 2406 SH1, Whangarei. For AA driving instructions please click here.

For a flyer about Bruce and Julie Paton’s dairy farm, please click here.

For details about other Federated Farmers Farm Days, please click here, go to or dial 0800 327 646.