Trans-Tasman flights attract Australian sister city 'first family'

Monday 29 March 2010, 11:54AM

By Rotorua District Council



New direct trans-Tasman air services from Sydney have convinced the mayor of the Rotorua’s Australian sister city to bring his family to Rotorua this week for a holiday.

Greg Piper, mayor of Lake Macquarie City, his wife Lyn and their family will be in Rotorua from tomorrow [30 March] for five days, utilising an opportunity arising from the introduction of direct flights between Sydney and Rotorua.

Rotorua Mayor Kevin Winters said Mr Piper had visited Rotorua briefly in December as part of celebrations for the inaugural trans-Tasman service but could only manage an overnight stop at the time because of council commitments back home.

“But he made a commitment to me to come back in the near future with his family for a holiday, and so we are delighted he has been able to do so and is bringing his wife, children and granddaughter this time.

“He was very impressed with the new Air New Zealand trans-Tasman service and told me at the time that it would make it easy and cost effective for him and his family to travel here to spend some time getting to know Rotorua.”

While the visit is first and foremost a holiday for the Piper family, there will be a some official business during their stay including a chance for Mayor Winters to welcome his Australian counterpart to a Rotorua District Council meeting and to discuss sister city opportunities for Lake Macquarie and Rotorua.

Lake Macquarie City is located just 90 minutes drive north of Sydney in the Hunter region and has a population of nearly 200,000, including New South Wales’ second largest aborigine population.

The city attracts nearly a million visitors a year and is known for its lake, mountains and beaches.

Lake Macquarie City Council is one of the largest in New South Wales employing over 1100 people.

Mr Piper was first elected Mayor of Lake Macquarie in 2004 having served on the council since 1991, and in 2007 was also elected to the Legislative Assembly of the NSW Parliament.