Million Dollar Revamp of Hanmer Town Centre To Begin

Wednesday 7 April 2010, 8:26AM

By Hurunui District Council



The Hurunui District Council today accepted close on two million dollars worth of tenders to upgrade the Hanmer town centre.

Work on the enhancement project will begin immediately after Easter and will be staged over an eight or nine month period.

The bulk of the project will be undertaken by Fulton Hogan with Mainpower installing new streetlights.

Hanmer Springs Community Board Chairman, Rosemary Ensor, is delighted at the decision, which follows several years of consultation and discussion within the community.
“The upgrade will improve pedestrian flow, enhance the green space, reduce conflict with vehicles, and help tie the town centre and community together.”

While the total cost of the project has risen above the original 2008 estimate, both the Hanmer Springs Community Board and the Council are satisfied the competitive tender process has delivered the best possible price for the work which they believe will be of significant benefit to the township.