New library management system

Wednesday 7 April 2010, 8:28AM

By Southland District Council



A new library management system will go live for Southland District on April 8.

District librarian Lynda Hodge said Southland District Council is part of a consortia, at this stage made up of Dunedin and Invercargill City Libraries, Southland District, and Queenstown Lakes/Central Otago District Libraries, and the group has bought the new system.

"What this means for our library users is lower operating costs for each of the participating councils as well as the opportunity of sharing library cataloguing information within a modern, sophicasted library management system.

"The Otago and Southland communities will be able to more easily locate and share books and other library materials," Mrs Hodge said.

Generally library users will notice few differences in the short term, except librarians will be checking and updating personal details.

However there is the capacity for much more detail such as covers, synopsis of content, and reviews and members will also be able to search the catalogue, read book reviews, place reserves and make requests - all from home, she said.

Those who do not have the Internet at home can come into the library and do this themselves or call 0800 732 542 and ask a staffmember to do this for them.

None of this wil cost more, with no charge for individual membership.

Holds will stil cost 50 cents per book (for anything within the SDC collections) and $3 for Interloans. Books will be issued for four weeks and can only be renewed once. All books not returned or renewed by the due date do attract overdue fees.

The "go live" date for all Southland District Libraries, including the bookbus, is Thursday April 8. Dunedin and Queenstown Lakes/Central Otago Libraries will follow Southland District in May 2010.

The implementation and ongoing oeprational costs of the Symphony system will also be shared by the participating Councils, spreading and reducing the costs to each Council. This is an extension of the reciprocal membership agreement already in place between Invercargill, Southland District and Gore Libraries.

A Memorandum of Understanding between the participating Councils provides a framework for the collaboration and governance through a steering committee with representatives from each Council.