Science Gathering in Wellington a Positive Step

Wednesday 7 April 2010, 12:49PM

By Wellington Chamber Of Commerce



The Global Research Alliance meeting in Wellington today is a real opportunity to make genuine progress in the response to climate change, according to the Wellington Regional chamber of Commerce.

“The New Zealand-led alliance of countries committing research funding to reduce agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions is a positive step towards finding solutions that actually reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Chamber CEO Charles Finny.

“Science and technology are the keys to solving the greenhouse gas emissions challenge, and this initiative plays to New Zealand’s research strengths.

“Agriculture is a major source of emissions globally. But for New Zealand and many developed countries it is the major source of emissions. Progress in this area is therefore critical for New Zealand and many developing economies.

“Finding a way to reduce agricultural emissions without reducing food production is also important for world food security and climate change.

“This week’s meeting is a good example of trans-national cooperation with countries pooling their expertise to solve a global problem. New Zealand going it alone would be less likely to produce results and it runs against the grain of what this global issue is all about.

“David Carter and Tim Groser deserve full congratulations for the leadership they have shown in getting this gathering together,” Mr Finny concluded.