Victoria University law students launch justice project

Tuesday 13 April 2010, 1:36PM

By Victoria University



Justice has just got a whole lot closer for those who need it in Wellington.

The Wellington Community Justice Project is an exciting new organisation launched from Victoria University's Law School.

It provides law students with the opportunity to work with lawyers and gain practical legal experience through research and case work. "Student volunteers will be involved in four areas of the project: Law reform, human rights, education and advocacy," says Project Leader, Helena Nunn.

"It is a long-term project run entirely by students with consent and support from Victoria University's Faculty of Law."

At the project's launch, Principal Family Court Judge Andrew Becroft praised the initiative. "Justice in this country is hardest to find where it is most needed," he said.

"This has the potential to be a life changing experience for the students involved and for those who receive their assistance."

"The aim of the project is to improve community access to legal services," says Helena Nunn, "to educate individuals about processes such as law reform as well as the law itself and finally, to provide a means of getting students more involved with their community."

The student volunteers will be working with organisations such as community law offices, the Human Rights Commission, the Citizens Advice Bureau, the Innocence Project NZ and members of the legal profession.