Spicing up your Yellow Pages Listing

Saturday 17 April 2010, 11:49PM

By Spark Consulting


Yellow meets Youtube
Yellow meets Youtube Credit: Spark Consulting

As an idea designer for Spark Consulting I am often looking at ways to get way outside the box so when looking at our advertising on Yellow Pages New Zealand it was inevitable that I would be dissatisfied with a bunch of boring text to describe me. After all I am a Website Marketing specialist known for innovative ideas in promoting businesses…
So without boring you anymore about who I am and what I do (although the stage needed to be set for this stunt) let me get into the topic of this blog.

Looking at the little rectangle box I was presented with when editing my business listing in the Yellow Pages self service area I was a little disappointed that I could not “jazz it up” a little and then thought “what would happen if I threw some html tags in. You guessed it, “Jazzed it up a little”.

Obviously things progressed from there until I had a nicely formatted advert complete with images and links to my website. Satisfied with that it wasn’t until quite a few days later that I suddenly had a thought “What if I dropped the embed code from a YouTube video into that little rectangle box?”.

I did just that and voila, there in my business listing was a fully functional promotional video telling potential customers exactly what Spark Consulting did and how we could help them.

So now you’re wondering, maybe I could do that? well you can and it is simple. Watch the video on YouTube (Hacking up Yellow Pages) and find out just how easy it is.

If a picture is worth a thousand words imagine what a promotional video in your yellow pages listing would do.

Watch the "Spicing up Yellow Pages" video and Stand out from the Crowd