New Zealand's best Recreational Cyclists Crowned

Monday 19 April 2010, 4:32PM

By Cycling New Zealand



New Zealand’s best recreational cyclists were crowned on Saturday at the Around Brunner cycle race with the culmination of New Zealand’s first RaboPlus Recreational Cycling Ranking (RCR).

Forty-four year old Steve Wright from Tauranga took out the 2010 men’s RaboPlus Recreational Cycling Ranking, earning himself chief bragging rights not only among his mates, but among all recreational cyclists. He also takes home a prize pack including Skins Cycle shorts, a return Bluebridge ferry crossing, and entry into every race of the 2010/11 series.

Sanna Wooliscroft, a marketing lecturer from Dunedin, dominated the women’s RaboPlus Recreational Cycling Ranking, finishing five of the seven events.

“It's such a fun thing to do! I like to ride but I'm not really a racer- more of an endurance event rider. It’s good to see initiatives not just aimed at professional cyclists,” said Wooliscroft.

The RaboPlus RCR was launched at the 2009 Wattyl Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge by BikeNZ and its cycling community RideStrong. The series is designed to add an extra competitive interest for those recreational riders competing in more than one event. The 2009/10 RaboPlus RCR took in seven of New Zealand’s best recreational road cycling events including the Yarrows Taranaki Cycle Challenge, Christchurch’s Le Race, and the West Coast’s Around Brunner.

“While we’re celebrating the winners of the RaboPlus RCR today, the real winners are those recreational cyclists who set themselves a goal, had fun competing within their own riding group, and climbed the rankings”, said Benji Hall, BikeNZ Marketing Communications Manager.

“It’s a ‘golf handicap for cyclists.’ In a world first, recreational riders can track their progress over a whole season, no matter what their level”.

To prove age is no barrier when it comes to recreational cycling, 69 year old Cyril Hibberd from Tauranga came second in the men’s ranking and was leading for a number of weeks early on. Ironically, Cyril is series winner Steve Wright’s mother’s partner.

“He was spitting when I was leading!” said Hibberd.

It was Wright who provided the motivation for Hibberd getting back into cycling a few of years ago.

“I started riding in 1957, but had some breaks from road racing to have a family in the 1960’s. By 1968 I was gunning for the Mexico Olympics but had a major crash. I took up cycling again in 2003 thanks to Steve.”

BikeNZ CEO Kieran Turner finished third.

“I hope more riders embrace the series as it’s a fantastic way to get around the country, enjoy the social atmosphere, and complete races you would normally never have ridden.”

On his triumphant return from Around Brunner, men’s winner Steve Wright agrees.

“We travelled 1,800km in 3 days, leaving Tauranga on Thursday night and arrived back Sunday night at 8.30pm. What a trip, what a ride!! Would I do it again? In a heartbeat, but I would have to check with my wife first. Just quietly I think she enjoyed it as much as me”.

After its pilot season, BikeNZ have announced the 2010/11 RaboPlus Recreational Cycling Ranking will be ‘even bigger and better’ with more events and personalised results pages.

To join the 2010/11 RaboPlus Recreational Cycling Ranking, visit