Minister sees Mountainview's Mission-On

Friday 24 August 2007, 10:16PM

By Hon Ruth Dyson



Ruth Dyson today visited Mountainview High School in Timaru as part of Mission-On, a campaign to promote healthier food and increased physical activity for young people.


Cabinet Minister Ruth Dyson today visited Mountainview High School in Timaru as part of Mission-On, a Labour-led government campaign to promote healthier food in schools and increased physical activity for New Zealand's young people.

Ms Dyson said Mountainview High had taken a strong lead in moving toward better food and more exercise at school.

"Mountainview has done very well in reviewing its canteen menu and introducing healthy options. Students themselves have led lunchtime activities to give kids more opportunities for exercise," she said.

"Students at Mountainview have obviously embraced these improvements and understand the importance of good food and exercise to effective learning. Derek Friend, the principal here, deserves a lot of praise for his leadership in these areas," said Ms Dyson.

Activities at today's Mission-On event included a street artist painting a mural at the college, performances by Mountainview students, a hip-hop dance troupe, and an appearance by Mission-On ambassador Indira Moala, runner up 2006 NZ Idol.

Contributing to Mission-On is the Ministry of Health's Food and Beverage Classification System which provides comprehensive food guidelines for schools and early childhood education services.