Regional Branding To Be Recognised

Saturday 1 May 2010, 12:01PM

By Kapiti Horowhenua Business Awards



Businesses that have made extra effort to promote the Kapiti Horowhenua Region or its unique characteristics are to be given special recognition in a dedicated category at this year’s Electra Business Awards.

Organisers of the Awards, Business Kapiti Horowhenua (BKH), want to acknowledge firms that are prepared to promote the region and use its attributes in their own marketing or branding to mutually benefit their company or product as well as the region itself.

Kapiti Cheeses, Te Horo Jams and Ohau Gravel Vineyards are all very good examples of companies that use the region somehow in their branding and marketing to gain unique recognition for the distinct qualities of the area.

In supporting the new category, Brand Strategist, Gus van de Roer who resides in Kapiti commented “In a stronger competitive market, companies and regions need to find ways to stand out and create recognisable points of differentiation.

In recent times regional branding has considerably helped individual companies to market their products, capture added value and build commercial chains to access wider markets.

This newly created category will therefore motivate and reward organisations that have the courage and vision to integrate any regional branding with their own economic objectives and benefits.”

Information on this new category and 12 other categories that businesses can enter are available at Businesses need to register their interest in participating online to receive an entry form. Entries open on 3 May and close 19 July.

More information:
Gus van de Roer, Brand Strategist .. 04 385-8265 or 021 636-577,
Chair BKH, Tony Rush .. 06 367-0332, or 027 241 6262,
Sponsorship & Event Manager, Kirsten Kilmister .. 027 284-8291,