Grant Robertson: 'the whole of Victoria University with asthma—it's shocking'

Thursday 6 May 2010, 2:27PM

By The Asthma Foundation


Wellington Central MP Grant Robertson has come out in strong support for tomorrow's Balloon Day street appeal in Wellington by the Asthma Foundation.“The Asthma Foundation estimates that about 23 000 children in the Wellington area have asthma. That’s every student currently at Victoria University and that’s extreme, “Mr Robertson says.

“I urge people to get behind Balloon Day tomorrow because the Foundation needs to fund more research towards a cure and continue its vital work at the grass roots in the community advising people on how to control their asthma.”

“With 1 in 4 New Zealand children having it and 1 in 6 adults, asthma intrudes on so many lives and adds a lot of most unwelcome pressure to our health system.”

Mr Robertson will be collecting for the Asthma Foundation tomorrow from 8am to 9am outside Bowen House, Lambton Quay.


For more information: Malcolm Aitken, Communications Manager, the Asthma Foundation.