2010 Mud, Sweat & Tears Challenge

Thursday 20 May 2010, 8:35AM

By Mud Sweat And Tears



The 2010 Mud, Sweat & Tears Challenge will bring to the Christchurch & Canterbury region’s a new exciting event that will challenge the competitors in many ways through an off road running and obstacle course.

The Mud Sweat &Tears Challenge is based at the picturesque Motukarara Race Course and will be either 5 or 10km’s (2x5 km laps) course. It will take competitors over small rugged hills, through the surrounding pine tree plantations and into muddy marshes.

The course also incorporates over 20 manmade and natural obstacles. Obstacles include on the course includes mud slide, forest run, hay bale pyramid, a crawl under a sea of barbed wire, horse jumps, water jumps, balance boards, mud runs, floating platforms and more.

The aim of the event is to create an environment where entrants will have fun whilst challenging them both physically and mentally. It will be achievable by anyone with average fitness and can be as demanding as the individual wishes it to be. It is expected between 500-100 competitors, made up of 50% women, will take part in the first year of this event and ages will range from 13 til 70 years old.

Event organisers Vaughan Utteridge, Kim Preston and Peter Low are excited by the event,the buzz it has created and thank the many business that have contributed to making it come to fruition.