Rainfall eases drought

Friday 28 May 2010, 1:03PM

By Hawke's Bay Regional Council



Hawke’s Bay Regional Council hydrologists confirm the benefit from this week’s rain.   The rainfall this week has been a good boost to soil moisture throughout the region, while causing no real problems with river levels.  

This week’s rain has enabled remaining irrigation bans imposed by the Regional Council over the last few months to be lifted.   

A heavy rain watch is now in place for Friday and Saturday.

The Regional Council’s monitoring network has 72 sites throughout the region.  Earlier this week it recorded the highest 24 hr rainfall at Mangaorapa in the Porangahau area at 104mm overnight on Monday/Tuesday.

“There was much-needed rain right through that southern coastal strip from Cape Kidnappers to Porangahau, an area which is generally much drier than other parts of the region,” said hydrology team leader, Rob Christie.

The highest 1 hour rainfall earlier this week recorded by the Regional Council’s rain gauge network around the urban areas of Napier and Hastings were at Awatoto, 27mm in one hour and Tutaekuri at Chesterhope, 29mm.  Napier CBD experienced 22.5mm in a one hour period.    Across the Heretaunga plains there were intense 20-33mm/hr rainfalls on Monday night early Tuesday morning.

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council reminds farmers again to take extra precautions managing stock effluent as the ground is wetter than it has been for months. 

“Dairy farmers may need to check their effluent ponds and keep an eye on wastewater irrigation after the recent rainfall, as conditions in some areas may be more susceptible to direct wastewater runoff to nearby waterways, “said Council’s Manager Compliance, Bryce Lawrence. 

Soil temperatures are quite mild in the 9-12 deg C range and soil moisture will have had a top up across the region.