What do people think of Council services and performance?

Friday 11 June 2010, 9:34AM

By Nelson City Council



The annual taking of the city’s Council satisfaction temperature is about to get under way with the 2010 Nelson City Council Survey starting on Monday (14 June) and running for the next few weeks. The final report on the survey findings is due at the end of July.

This year’s survey focuses on everything from overall Council performance and value for money, recycling and home heating, through to opinions about rain water collection requirements, parks and housing affordability.

Council has commissioned an independent research company, Key Research, to carry out the survey, which includes telephone interviews with 400 randomly selected residents. It’s expected the surveys will take around 20 minutes. Everyone taking part will go into a draw for a 2010 Nelson Arts Festival Package worth $150, as a thank you.

Why survey public opinion?

The Council has been using surveys since 1997 to measure public satisfaction with its work, changes in priorities and issues facing Nelson. Past surveys have covered the range and quality of Council services for residents and how Council includes everyone’s opinions in its decision-making.

Council is one of many organisations using public satisfaction surveys to monitor their work. While surveys are not the only source of feedback from the community, they are valuable for the Council as they help it to improve its performance.

A random sample of residents increases the likelihood that all sorts of people - young, families and older residents – from across the city are represented. The number of people interviewed also gives Council confidence that the results accurately reflect public opinion.