Dr Dain Heer - Change how you think about money

Tuesday 22 June 2010, 8:36AM

By Reach Consulting


What does money mean to you, or do you only generate enough to ‘just get by’?

Renowned internationally as a leader in consciousness, Dr Dain Heer (aka the ‘Body Whisperer’) will be asking these questions as he hosts his Right Riches for You! workshop in Auckland this month. A successful author, facilitator and speaker, Dr Heer has transformed his own life and the lives of thousands of others through a process known as Access Consciousness.

“Access Consciousness is about being present in your life,” he explains. “It is the ability to receive everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life – including money.”

He defines being rich as “having enough money to live the way you truly desire and having a sense of peace surrounding money” and says we all have a choice when it comes to how much money we have.

"Money is never the problem; it's about what we're willing to receive. Changing our financial situation is as simple as changing the way we think about money.”

In his newly released book, Right Riches for You!, and the corresponding workshops he’s facilitating around the world, including the one in Auckland on Wednesday 23rd June, Dr Heer talks about the practical tools and energetic processes people can use to unlock the areas of their life where they limit the amount of money they can have and receive.

”Our point of view creates our reality.” He says the first thing we need to do is start thinking about our financial situation. What would it take to improve it? What would it take for a whole lot of money to turn up?

“If you hide from your financial situation, how can you change it?” He says most of us pick up our belief systems surrounding money from others, including our parents.

“It’s not just what people say about money, it’s the angst and the energy that surrounds money. We walk around with this baggage, such as ‘we shouldn’t earn more than our parents, or our neighbours’, or ‘we only need enough to get by’.”

It’s all about changing these attitudes, he says, and one thing we can do to start changing our money flow right now is take 10% of every dollar we earn and put it away “in honour of you”. “You’re saying ‘hey I’m willing to have money’, and you’ll be surprised how more money starts turning up.

“It’s like a tithe to the church of you.”

Keep doing this, he says, until you have enough to feel at peace and ease with money.

Another way to enhance your financial situation is to carry in your wallet at all time (that means don’t spend it!) the amount of cash you think someone “totally rich” would have.

“This way you get used to having money,” he explains. “You see, that’s a problem - people aren’t used to having money, they’re used to spending money.

No stranger to psychology and self-help - “I did all the weirdest stuff on the planet”, Dr Heer’s financial situation changed the day he stumbled upon Access Consciousness 11 years ago. “It was the first time I was presented with the tools I needed to change my point of view and hence my financial situation.

“I’ve been in a place of ease and peace with money ever since.”

Dr Heer says his Right Riches for You! workshop is for “anyone who wants to change their financial situation and doesn’t think they have everything right already”.