Vessel identification rule coming into force on 1 July

Friday 25 June 2010, 3:16PM

By Waikato Regional Council



Boat owners in the Waikato are being reminded that from 1 July 2010 all vessels must display identification details.

The rule, introduced under Environment Waikato’s revised navigation safety bylaw in July 2009, is designed to make it easier to identify vessels needing assistance or those breaking rules covering water users. The bylaw gave boat users a year to ensure their vessels complied with the new rule.

Power-driven vessels larger than four metres and non-powered vessels larger than six metres will be required to display a name or similar identifying mark.

Smaller vessels not fitting the above description must be marked with emergency contact details and/or the owners’ name or contact details.

EW’s compliance and education manager Rob Dragten encouraged all water users to read the revised navigation safety bylaw which applies to the Waikato region’s harbours, rivers, lakes and coastal waters.

“The bylaw is about ensuring the safety of water users, so it’s important that all recreational waterway users are aware of the rules.”

The revised navigation safety bylaw is available in full on Environment Waikato’s website

The potential penalty for failing to observe the new identification rule is $200.