Prizes Galore for the Rural Community

Friday 9 July 2010, 1:39PM

By Rural Trader



Press Release


For immediate release


8th of July, 2010.



Prizes Galore for the Rural Community


By Samantha van der Sande


Those thinking about building or renovating have been given an enticing incentive to visit one of New Zealand's newest and most progressive farming websites.


Partnering with Fair Dinkum Homes and Sheds, popular rural website Rural is offering its viewers the chance to win $400 worth of Placemakers building vouchers. 


Rural Director, Dave Meaney, states that the competition is yet another reason for the rural community to visit the free information website.  


"We're thrilled Fair Dinkum Homes and Sheds have chosen to come on board with Rural Trader.  The move enables their company's alignment with the increasing number of farmers and rural people online, and one of the most cutting-edge and progressive farming websites in the country" he says. 


The draw closes on July 30.


Building vouchers however, are not the only thing the website has to offer and in fact, there's a selection of prizes available, all totally free to enter.  


Following the success of Rural Trader online promotions in 2009, long time sponsors Keenan Systems, are currently offering on farm nutritional consultation with their leading rumen nutritionists.  There's also the chance to win the use of a legendary Keenan feed system or a grand prize of an overseas trip to next year's Dairy Week event.  


Keenan Systems have been partnered with Rural since the website's commencement in February 2009.  Since then, the two companies have forged a strong corporate relationship and together, provide farmers with some extremely beneficial opportunities.  


Finally, an impressive iPod Touch is up for grabs for one lucky viewer, simply by entering basic contact details. This offer ends July 26.  


Dave states that having the likes of reputable companies such as Fair Dinkum Homes and Sheds and Keenan Systems in strategic partnership is a real credit to the young website and he hopes online viewers will make the most of the wonderful opportunities and giveaways currently on offer.


Rural is currently ranked in the top three rural websites in New Zealand.*  Recent developments include an auctions and trading platform designed specifically for the rural community, and an exclusive rural property showcase.  For more information see


*Statistics shown by Nielsen Online.




For more information please contact:

David Meaney



(07) 838 3025

021 2714888