Dunedin workers to rally against National's plans for workplace laws

Thursday 22 July 2010, 7:12AM

By Maritime Union of New Zealand



Dunedin workers are taking action against the National Government's proposed changes to workplace laws.

A rally is being held this Saturday 24 July at 10.30am outside the Dunedin Railway Station.

The rally has been called by the Dunedin Workers Rights Campaign, an umbrella group including local unions, organizations and individuals working for fair workplace laws that protect workers.

The rally is being organized through Unions Otago, the local affiliates council of the Council of Trade Unions.

Unions Otago Convenor Glenda Alexander says the rally is the official kick off of a campaign to stop any attacks on workers rights in the workplace.

Changes to the law would allow all employers to fire workers without reason or explanation within the first 90 days of employment.

This was an attack on basic rights for workers, she says.

The restriction of access to workplaces for unions was aimed at undermining worker's rights to be represented by a union.

"These changes to the law will hurt working people and their ability to negotiate with their employer and have some job security."

She says protests and rallies have taken place throughout New Zealand over the last week and would continue until the Government took notice.

Ms Alexander says the Government's backdown over mining in national parks shows that public pressure can have an impact.

"If we can show the Government that their proposed changes do not have the support of the public of New Zealand, we can get them to back off on their plans."

A protest held outside the offices of National MP Michael Woodhouse last week had been called at short notice but was well attended, so organizers believed there would be good support for Saturday's event.

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