Office Workers to Bare Their Soles for Kiwi Kids in Need

Tuesday 27 July 2010, 7:58AM

By KidsCan StandTall Charitable Trust


KidsCan estimate 7,000 shoes are needed for NZ kids
KidsCan estimate 7,000 shoes are needed for NZ kids Credit: KidsCan StandTall Charitable Trust


Thousands of office workers across New Zealand will brave the cold and conduct their business day in bare feet on Wednesday 28th July to help Kiwi kids affected by poverty.  

This year’s ‘Barefoot Business Day’, which challenges business men and women to ‘bare their soles’ for one day, aims to raise as much money as possible for the KidsCan StandTall Charitable Trust who provide shoes and socks for the thousands of children who are going to school barefoot this winter.

As part of fundraising efforts for ‘Barefoot Business Day’, New Zealand MPs, including Paula Bennett, Phil Goff and members of The Greens, will lead by example and go barefoot on the steps of Parliament at 7am on Wednesday 28th July.

KidsCan StandTall CEO, Julie Helson, says, “This year we have already given out 5600 pairs of shoes and next year we estimate we will need to provide more than 7000 pairs.

“Every year in New Zealand hundreds of children are admitted to hospital with a severe foot cut or puncture wound due to not wearing sufficient footwear to meet the ever increasing demand from families struggling to make ends meet.

“Going without shoes in winter has a serious impact on children’s health and their ability to participate in classroom activities as footwear is fundamental to preventing illness and ensuring each child can participate across the wider range of activities and curriculum.”

Every $20 raised for ‘Barefoot Business Day’ will buy a pair of shoes and two pairs of socks for a child waiting for support and KidsCan StandTall is encouraging as many businesses as possible to get behind the appeal and support children in our own backyard.

Companies can register for ‘Barefoot Business Day’ at or donations can be made on the day for those who don’t get around to taking their shoes off!

100% of funds raised will go towards the ‘shoes for kids’ programme.