Council to hold information day for Clevedon residents

Thursday 5 August 2010, 11:15AM

By Manukau City Council



Manukau City Council has chosen its preferred growth option for the sustainable development of Clevedon Village, and residents are invited to an information day to find out more about it.

The information day will be held on 14 August 2010 from 11am to 2pm at Clevedon School Hall, 13 – 17 North Road, Clevedon. Residents will be able to see the preferred option and the broad framework of the plan change to the Manukau Operative District Plan 2002, and council staff and consultants will be on hand to provide answers to questions.

It will be a good opportunity for the community and those involved in the development of the Sustainable Development Plan to get a better understanding of the preferred option and provide comment.

The council has been working with the community to develop the plan to this stage, with three initial options being considered and as a result of that consultation the council has incorporated the community feedback into this preferred option.

A summary of the plan document is being sent to Clevedon residents soon so that they can provide informed comment to council staff at the information day if they wish.

The Sustainable Development Plan will allow for additional development of up to 600 new houses and more land to be zoned for business purposes within the study area.

The full Clevedon Village: Sustainable Development Plan document is available at or on request from the council.