New Ticket will fight to overturn Monte Cecilia Demolition

Monday 9 August 2010, 7:50AM

By Roskill Community Voice



“The decision of the Auckland City Council to relocate Monte Cecilia School and demolish Liston Village, as well as the decision of the Auckland Transition Agency to support the Council’s actions are a disgrace”, say Garth Houltham and Michael Wood of the newly formed Roskill Community Voice team, which is contesting the Puketapapa Local Board election.

“The Monte Cecilia community and the broader community of Mt Roskill are shocked by the way the relocation of the school has been rammed through. Consultation has been a sham, and alternative proposals that would have saved the school, while giving the art gallery more space, have been ignored by the C&R Council”, says Mr Houltham who is a member of the Friends of Monte group.

"We are also concerned at the pressure being put on other nearby residents to sell their homes for further expansion of the park. We believe it is time the intentions of C&R candidates are made clear to the community. Owners of properties surrounding the park need to know just how many other homes could be included in this un-costed buy up", he continues.

“We cannot believe that $30 plus million of public money is being spent on this vanity project for John Banks and David Hay, while other parks and facilities in our community are neglected. If Roskill Community Voice wins control of the Local Board we commit to taking all lawful steps to stop the demolition of the school and to stop this waste of public money”, says Mr Wood.

“The community has been ignored on this issue. Our Mayor and our local C&R Councillors have forced their grand plan through, and our local C&R Board has failed to speak up for the community. Our team will be a voice for the community on this issue”, concludes Mr Houltham.