Submissions sought on GM pines application

Thursday 26 August 2010, 8:58AM

By Environmental Protection Authority


The Environmental Risk Management Authority is calling for submissions on an application by Crown research institute Scion to conduct a field test of genetically modified pine trees in containment.

Scion wants to test genes influencing plant growth, reproductive development, herbicide tolerance, biomass utilisation, wood density and stability, at a secure, four-hectare site in Rotorua.

The application states that the trees will not be allowed to produce mature reproductive structures. Therefore no pollen or seed will be released.

The application is now open for submission from the public. Submissions close on 6 October 2010.

All submissions will be evaluated, and a hearing may be held if requested, before a committee of the Authority makes a decision on whether to approve or decline this application.

Application and submission documents are available at: