Victory pokie decision rests with DIA

Tuesday 31 August 2010, 8:17AM

By Nelson City Council



Nelson City Council today responded to concerns raised by residents of Victory about the possibility of gambling machines returning to their neighbourhood.

Council’s Gambling Policy was reviewed earlier in the year with a full public consultation. Councillors heard from submitters, the majority of whom wanted to see changes to the existing policy. Following that review a valid application was made to Council for nine pokie machines to be located in a new bar planned for the Victory area. Council gave consent as the application met the requirements of the revised policy.

Acting Divisional Manager for Community Services, Nicky McDonald, has spoken to Victory residents and followed up their concerns.

“We have talked to staff at the Department of Internal Affairs. They have been very clear. Under the Gambling Act Councils aren’t allowed to revoke consent once it is issued. Nor will changing the policy have any effect as the Act also prevents Councils changing their decision retrospectively.

It’s in the Department’s hands now. It has the final say on approving the license for the Victory venue.”