Chocolate shop owners nervously practising for World Record

Tuesday 31 August 2010, 3:24PM




Nervous Ashburton chocolatiers Bex Carr and Nadine Porter of BULLRUSH Chocolates are frantically preparing for the biggest day of their lives when they attempt to break a Guinness World Record for the longest chocolate bar ever.

With just ten days to go the pair have been practising with stainless steel moulds made by local agricultural engineering firm Lusk Engineering.

“To be honest, making a 12 metre long bar (the current record is 11.57m and is held by Italian chocolatiers) is a big ask for a small chocolate shop such as ours.” Co-owner Bex Carr said. “We just don’t know if we can make it in time, but fingers crossed, we are confident that we will have a good chance.”

From midnight on September 11th the pair will begin making 2.8 kilogram chocolate slabs and hope to join 64 slabs to form by the bar by 4pm that afternoon.

Well known celebrity chef Richard Till will join them in their quest and will keep crowds entertained with cooking demonstrations as will other entertainment during the day.

The 180 kilogram dark chocolate bar has a retail value of over $6000 dollars and some of it will be auctioned off for charity while the public will get their chance to sample Ashburton’s world record attempt.

“We want the day to be one of celebration – in which people can enjoy how far New Zealand has come in producing top quality chocolate. Europe can no longer boast to be the chocolate making capital of the world and we aim to prove that,” co – owner Nadine Porter said.

“We are proud to represent Ashburton and New Zealand in this quest and hope that everyone will come and support us.”

Local dignitaries will also be present on the day as part of the Guinness guidelines including Mayor Bede O’Malley, local MP Jo Goodhew and a JP and surveyor. A celebrity chocolate eating contest will also take place, as will a chocolate bake-off.

“It’s a day never to be repeated,” Carr said.