What Makes a Good Brand?

Monday 6 September 2010, 11:03AM

By Jag Creative


Defining and creating a professional and effective brand is a critical aspect of forming a successful business or company. However, when selecting a professional branding company careful consideration must be made in respect of their strategy, professionalism and implementation.

The American Marketing Association defines a brand as;

“A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. The legal term for brand is trademark. A brand may identify one item, a family of items, or all items of that seller. If used for the firm as a whole, the preferred term is trade name.”

Jag Creative ( were established in 2000 and are one of New Zealand’s leading branding and marketing companies, having successfully represented numerous leading New Zealand organisations and businesses including; Rakon, Travel Smart and Drug Free Sport NZ.

What sets Jag apart from the competition is their ability to exceed their client’s expectations. This is achieved through hard work and passionate people, driven by creativity and high levels of service and satisfaction. Andrew Sylvester, Senior Manager of the Education Program for Drug Free Sport NZ commented;

“We approached Jag to help us rationalise the messages we were delivering to NZ athletes around doping in sport. Grant worked hard and researched our industry thoroughly, quickly identifying a shift we needed to make in our approach to working with our target groups.

“The result of working with Jag is that we now have established closer relationships with our ‘customers’ and we are producing resources that are far more effective at delivering key messages to them.”

Jag offer clients a whole host of services, including branding, graphic design, marketing and digital communications, however, the Jag philosophy is far more than just this. Their mission statement is that; “Together, through creativity, understanding and experience, we will grow your business.”

To find out exactly what makes a good brand, or to enquire about any of the services offered by Jag contact them on (09) 370 0474 or visit their website at