Breakthrough cropping granule delivers DAP with boron

Saturday 18 September 2010, 8:11AM

By Ballance Agri-Nutrients


DAP Boron
DAP Boron Credit: Ballance Agri-Nutrients

Ballance Agri-Nutrients has launched a compound granule that gives crops a nutrient kick-start of DAP fertiliser while treating boron deficiency at the same time.

Marketed as cropzeal DAP boron boost, the new compound fertiliser product delivers DAP (diammonium phosphate) and boron in uniformly sized granules.

Ballance is importing the high-specification product as a starter fertiliser chiefly for the brassica market, but it has potential in other cropping scenarios such as lucerne and seed crops, and for fodder beets.

‘This product is another example of precision nutrient application,’ explains Tim Beere, Product Development Manager at Ballance.

‘Farmers want to pinpoint the precise nutrients they require and deliver them with an accuracy unheard of even just a few years ago. We have to be able to meet these requirements for site-specific nutrient management.

‘This product development is particularly exciting for the brassica market, and any other crops where boron deficiency is a threat.’

Unlike blends of DAP and boron, cropzeal DAP boron boost granules each contain the same ratio of nitrogen, phosphate and boron nutrients, so farmers have assurance right across the paddock of what each plant is receiving when they are direct drilling.

‘We expect cropzeal DAP boron boost to become the pre-eminent starter fertiliser in the market place. With our new product, there can be no risk of segregation of the boron from the DAP in transit. What’s more, there’s no dust, and much improved spreading characteristics.’

Boron is a common trace element used to treat and prevent the disease brown heart in brassica crops such as swedes, turnip, and kale, commonly identified as brown rot in the middle of the stem due to boron deficiency in the soil. Too much boron is also a problem.

‘Cropzeal DAP boron boost can be included in product mixes where required. If higher rates of boron are deemed necessary, then additional granular boron can be blended in.’

The announcement coincides with the release of two additional crop decision support tools for brassica crops. Ballance’s kale calculator, widely used in the market, has now been adapted for use with swede and turnips.

‘These brassica calculators are the culmination of 10 years of research and development effort around the country,’ says Mr Beere.

‘For the past 16 months we’ve been conducting an intensive series of trials, and as a result, we are pleased to be able to launch brassica calculators for swede and turnip crops.’

The calculators analyse the best method to optimise crop yields, based on a range of key indicators, such as the location of the crop, soil fertility, sowing and grazing dates.