Grove Avocado Oil Turns Ten and Ripens with Age

Wednesday 22 September 2010, 5:57PM

By Village PR



Ten years ago Kiwi consumers had never heard of avocado oil, when a passionate group of New Zealand avocado orchardists established Grove Avocado Oil.

But this year in September Grove Avocado Oil is celebrating an important milestone and the contribution they have made to the wider avocado industry over the past decade.

Grove’s Executive Director Brian Richardson says 10 years is a significant achievement as the company has fought hard to establish and grow its premium range of products.
“It’s fair to say the start-up costs for the business were huge. We have poured our heart and soul into research, development, product innovation and consumer education to help grow the demand for avocado oil and we are only now starting to see a financial return on that investment,” says Richardson.
Thanks to Grove’s commitment and resources, consumers are now well-informed about the health benefits of avocados – something which has spin-offs for the industry as a whole.
“Avocados are now widely regarded as nature’s ‘super food’ because they are full of micro-nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants. People have realised that eating avocados helps lower cholesterol and they are an important source of Vitamin E and Omega 3 and 6.”
Richardson says the company has also worked hard to educate the public about when and where to use avocado oil. It has the highest smoke point of any extra virgin oil (271°C compared to rice bran oil at 254°C and olive oil at 216°C). This means it remains stable during high temperature cooking methods such as frying, roasting and barbecuing.

Producing oil from avocados suitable for cooking was first introduced by Grove Avocado Oil in 2000. It was the first product of its kind to be sold on supermarket shelves, and is now exported to Australia, Malaysia, UK, Hong Kong, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Japan, Malaysia, and Mexico.

The Tauranga-based company’s extensive range of cold pressed extra virgin avocado oils are sold in 340 supermarkets here at home, and in 1500 grocery stores across the Tasman.

Developing, positioning and driving a premium product for a niche market sounds like a winning formula but Grove has faced many challenges along with way.

“Although inconsistent supply of avocados for processing on a seasonal basis hinders expansion, we believe that New Zealand avocados produce the best quality oil in the world and will continue our policy of promoting our unique product”

The company has promoted the avocado industry by investing heavily in marketing and branding its products to ensure avocado oil can command premium prices.

Competition now exists to buy avocados, Richardson expects the avocado oil market to flourish in years to come both domestically and internationally.

“Grove Avocado Oil’s health preserving and culinary qualities have made it a popular cooking ingredient in homes and prestigious restaurants around the world.”

Grove has further increased gourmet appeal, extending the range of flavour-infused variants.

“Our oil has a flavour and aroma (nutty, buttery and grassy) that is unique to New Zealand, so the dips, marinades, dressings and sauces in which it is used are irresistible,” Richardson says.

Grove’s range of cold-pressed, extra virgin avocado oils now includes Lime, Garlic and Horopito (pepper) infused flavours, as well as premium, organic and aerosol spray products. Grove Premium Avocado Oil range is sold in deli’s such as Nosh and Sabato in Auckland. All have the Heart Foundation tick and are packaged in attractive, tapered bottles.

“We are immensely proud of what we have achieved over the past 10 years and we’re excited about being an integral part of the avocado industry’s developments.”

Grove Avocado Oil is made entirely in New Zealand from naturally ripened locally-grown avocados which are then gently cold pressed. The company’s manufacturing processes are closely monitored to ensure the oil produced is of the highest possible quality.

Sales received a major boost after Grove Lime Avocado Oil won the ‘best oil for dressing’ category at the 2009 Healthy Food Awards. The annual awards, judged by a panel of experts on behalf of Healthy Food Guide magazine, highlight the best food choices available on our supermarket shelves for consumers.