Rural Women NZ offers support following Southland snowstorms

Friday 24 September 2010, 5:17PM

By Rural Women NZ



Rural Women New Zealand members are gearing up to offer support to farming families in
Southland and Otago following the recent snowstorms and atrocious weather conditions.

“Farming families are feeling shocked and vulnerable, and our members will do what they can to
offer support and assistance, just as they have following the Canterbury earthquake” says RWNZ
National President, Liz Evans.

As a leading rural community organisation, Rural Women New Zealand has been invited to next
Monday’s Southland/South Otago Rural Recovery meeting in Invercargill, which aims to come up
with practical responses for the short and medium term, both for people and stock.

Rural Women New Zealand has also received a further $3,000 from MAF to run a programme of
adverse events meetings and organise community get-togethers in the region, once the weather

“This comes on top of $5,000 we have received to run similar events in Canterbury following the
earthquake,” says Ms Evans.

Up to $200 will be available for each community event, and people wishing to apply for
funding should contact RWNZ Executive Officer, Noeline Holt on (04) 473 5524