Two weeks to go and online forums make speaking up easy

Wednesday 13 October 2010, 11:21AM

By Hamilton City Council



With just over two weeks to go before consultation on stage two of Hamilton’s District Plan Review closes (29 October), online forums are making it easier than ever for busy Hamiltonians to have their say.

In the last stage of the District Plan Review, residents were asked to help Council indentify what resource management issues were facing the city – from transport and the natural environment, to facilities and events, public space, residential neighbourhoods, business, heritage and design.

Right now Council is asking residents what they think about a range of potential options the city can use to address those issues.

District Plan Review project manager Paula Rolfe says that new online technologies are making it easier than ever for people to make their opinion count.

“From allowing people to convert their garage to setting levels for noise or showing you where you can set up a business, the District Plan sets out all the rules and policies for developing and using any land in the city.

“So it really is important that all residents have their say, because the District Plan will affect all of us working living and playing in Hamilton.

“We also know that people’s lives today are busier than ever and so we want to make it as easy as we can for people to take the time to have their say. In newly launched online forums people can now chat amongst themselves and say as little or as much as they like on one or many issues that interest them,” she says.

A number of questions are posed in the online forums including:

Should people be able to build flats or high density housing anywhere? Next to you?
Should all new houses have minimum design standards?
Where should new businesses start up? Anywhere? Or should it be in existing centres?
Where are the best places to put on events in Hamilton?
Does Hamilton have enough public space? Is it in the right place?
Should parking make way for more exciting development?
Should special trees be protected and should Council help look after them?
Is it important to protect heritage areas like Hamilton East and Lake Waiwhakareke? What other areas should be protected?
“For those people who might have been discouraged from having their say before, because it was ‘too hard’, ‘too boring’ or ‘too time consuming’ to make a formal submission – you can now log in online and jot down a sentence or a paragraph on just the things that interest you. You can also see other people’s comments and respond to them. All comments are confidential and we are really pleased with how many people are choosing to have their say this way,” Ms Rolfe says.

Residents can participate in any of the online forums and surveys or download easy to read summaries and full documents at

Formal submission forms are also still available on the website, from all Hamilton Libraries or by phoning 07 838 6699.

The period for public comments on stage two of the District Plan Review closes 29 October 2010. Early in the New Year Council will publicly confirm the options to take forward and a proposed District Plan based on these options will be prepared.