CACTUS programme launches in Rotorua

Friday 22 October 2010, 12:05PM

By New Zealand Police


CACTUS programme at Western Heights High School
CACTUS programme at Western Heights High School Credit: New Zealand Police


After seven months of development, a significant amount of funding and sponsorship, and partnerships forged with a large number of individuals, organisations and businesses, a new physical training programme aimed at developing youth leadership was launched at Western Heights High School in Rotorua today.

CACTUS – the Combined Adolescent Challenge Training Unit and Support programme – is modelled on a successful programme that has been underway in Wairoa since 2008.

That programme was initially developed and launched on the East Coast by Senior Sergeant Mick Lander – a senior officer who was then based in Rotorua before moving back to Gisborne earlier this year.

Inspired by the success of that programme, Sergeant Steve Sutton and his Rotorua Community Policing Team began work on the launch of a similar programme in Rotorua.

Sergeant Sutton says CACTUS is based on an Armed Forces programme and is designed to extend a young person’s mind and physical capability, with a focus on teamwork, goal setting, leadership and discipline.

“The intention is to educate and provide wider choices to young people, instilling discipline and self-esteem, and encouraging them to look and listen before they act.”

Sergeant Sutton says the programme does not specifically target “at-risk” young people – although some at-risk youth will be included on the programme – but rather, its objective is to foster and develop teamwork and leadership across the school.

“These students are at an age where they are reaching a key turning point for the future direction of their lives. It’s vital at this point to give them the tools and capability to make the right choices for their future directions.

“CACTUS does that by helping them set and achieve goals, and by providing an environment where they can achieve challenges that exceed what they think they are capable of.

“We are creating an environment where they are outside their comfort zones, to extend their personal belief in themselves.”

CACTUS will be run for the first time in Rotorua at Western Heights High School from February 7 to April 2, 2011.

The programme will be led by members of Rotorua Police, and has been developed in conjunction with Western Heights School and the Western Heights Community Association.

A large number of other organisations and businesses have provided support to the programme, including the Rotorua District Council Safer Communities Fund, Rebel Sport, NZ Fire Service, NZ Army, Toi Te Ora Public Health, Countdown, Kelloggs NZ and the Clayton Road Mobil Station.

CACTUS specifically involves an eight week intensive physical training programme for 25 students who have been selected by the school.  It includes three one hour training sessions per week, of progressively harder physical activities.

It finishes with “The Longest Day”, which includes eight hours of challenging and demanding physical activities, followed by a graduation evening. A key component during the course is career education.

Sergeant Sutton says the programme is being launched at Western Heights High School in the first instance, as an extension of a range of Police and community initiatives in the area. He says it is expected that CACTUS will roll out in another local school within the next 12 months.

The Deputy Principal of Western Heights High School, Wiremu Shuker, says he is delighted CACTUS will be run at the school next year.

“This is an exciting development for young people at this school - and for the wider Rotorua region and we are very proud to be involved and to make our contribution.”

The first CACTUS session will take place at Western Heights High School with the start of the new school year in February 2011.

Photo caption: Constable Damian White (left), Western Heights High School students Desma Koia and Dion Manga (both 17 years) and Sergeant Steve Sutton at the launch of the CACTUS programme at Western Heights High School today. Desma and Dion have both been selected to participate in the programme which commences in February next year.