Council workshop on airport productive

Monday 22 November 2010, 6:28PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Queenstown Lakes District Councillors met today to ‘workshop’ Queenstown Airport issues at a session described as ‘constructive’ by QLDC Mayor Vanessa van Uden. 

“This was an opportunity to receive presentations from all parties and enable Councillors to hear first hand those parties’ interests and issues,” Mayor van Uden said. 

The newly elected Council heard from the Queenstown Airport Corporation, Auckland International Airport and the Queenstown Strategic Assets Group and Air New Zealand. 

The object of the workshop was not to make any decisions but to hear all points of view. 

“It was a very constructive opportunity,” she said. 

The Council would address the future decision making processes around the Airport issue at the full Council meeting in December. 

“A report will now be prepared and that discussion will be held in public at the December meeting,” Mayor van Uden said.