Botany Town Centre's Santa SoupOpera Charity Concert a Success

Thursday 2 December 2010, 10:58AM

By Alexander PR


Members of the Howic Lions Club
Members of the Howic Lions Club Credit: Craig Lord
Children sign the Condolence Book for the Pike River miners and their families
Children sign the Condolence Book for the Pike River miners and their families Credit: Craig Lord
Chinese Lion and Dragon Dancers
Chinese Lion and Dragon Dancers Credit: Alexander PR
Santa switches on the Christmas lights at the Botany Town Centre SoupOpera Charity Concert
Santa switches on the Christmas lights at the Botany Town Centre SoupOpera Charity Concert Credit: Alexander PR

The annual mission to spread good cheer got underway at Botany Town Centre, where the community gathered on Thursday 25 November to enjoy the warmth of giving, the spectacular sight of Christmas lights, spirit-lifting carols and other entertainment at the Santa SoupOpera Charity Concert.

An institution among the centre’s Yuletide festivities, the concert is dedicated to the purpose of Christmas and historically has supported a variety of charities. This year donated cans of food will go to the Salvation Army, and the Howick Lions Club will be selling glow sticks and Christmas cakes, with proceeds going to Hospice.

The concert kicked off at 6.00pm in Botany Town Centre’s Town Square. Those who attended were entertained by wonderful local artists and entertainment organised by the Howick Lions Club.

More than 170 specialty and lifestyle stores at Botany Town Centre stayed open until 10pm.

The event was a great success, with the community coming together to enjoy the warmth of giving, the spectacular sight of Christmas lights, spirit-lifting carols and entertainment. $760 was raised for Hospice and four food parcels were donated to the Salvation Army.

As a mark of respect, the centre requested that concert goers observe a minute of silence for the Pike River miners and their families in Greymouth. A Condolence Book was available in the Town Centre and at the Visitors Centre for people to sign.