Two Adults Appear On 36 Charges of Child Abuse

Friday 17 December 2010, 6:27PM

By New Zealand Police



Two adults have appeared in the Waitakere District Court today on significant charges involving serious child injury and abuse.

Interim name suppression has been given to the two accused, in order to protect the identity of the nine and seven year old victims, and their three siblings.

The two offenders entered no plea to a total of 36 separate charges. They have each been remanded on bail for a further Court appearance on 22 December 201o.

All the children have been placed in the care of CYFS.

The nine year old victim is receiving ongoing psychological and other specialist treatment. She is likely to require regular counseling for the rest of her life. The other children will also require significant counseling.

Such is the severity of the injuries endured by the nine year old victim that the police investigators and others who have been associated with this enquiry have all been affected by what they have encountered.

The media are reminded that this matter remains sub judice. Police are not in a position to be able to provide any further comment at this time.