Mayor's husband dies

Monday 24 January 2011, 5:02PM

By Southland District Council



Southland District Council elected members, management and staff are saddened by
the death of Murray Cardno, Mayor Frana Cardno’s husband, on Sunday.

Council chief executive David Adamson said Mr Cardno, 71, was always hugely
supportive of the Council and its staff.

“Murray would always take time to talk to all the staff, and enjoyed finding out about
people and what they did.

“He contributed to our organisation in very many ways, not least, of course, in his
selfless support of his wife, the Mayor,” Mr Adamson said.

“I have known Murray for the 16 years I have been in the south and I have
appreciated his real interest in people, his inquisitive nature and his practical approach
to life. I have lost a valued friend, who I will miss greatly.

“Our thoughts, prayers and sympathy are with Frana and the Cardno family at this
tragic time.”

Mr and Mrs Cardno were at Mount Cook visiting the area when Mr Cardno had
a massive heart attack near the Ball Glacier. Despite efforts from Department of
Conservation staff and medics, he was not able to be revived.

The date for Mr Cardno’s funeral is still to be decided as family has to travel from
overseas. Mr Adamson asked for people to respect Mrs Cardno and her family’s
privacy as they grieve for the huge loss of their husband, father and grandfather.

Mr and Mrs Cardno had been married for 47 years.